Nonprofit Organizations

  • Program and project evaluation
  • Member surveys
  • Diversity and equity analysis
  • Grant proposal writing and editing

Current and recent projects

External Evaluator, “Enhancing Resilience and Equity in Urban Coastal Communities through the Co-Generation of Community Capitals,” NSF Coastlines and People grant to the University of Virginia, 2022-2027. (Stormwater management and environmental justice in Norfolk, Virginia.)

Data analysis from the American Community Survey and National Survey of College Graduates for the Humanities Indicators (American Academy of Arts and Sciences), 2017-2025.

Evaluation of a research grant program for doctoral students, American Psychological Foundation, 2018. (Survey research, interviews, bibliographic research)

Executive committee and treasurer for the DC Sociological Society, 2017-present.

Recently completed projects for the American Political Science Association, Association of American Colleges and Universities, Council of Graduate Schools.

Research director for the American Sociological Association (2014-2017) and the American Association of University Professors (2002-2014).